A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined occipital region of cerebral cortex in the human. Defined by the band of Gennari, which gives it the name striate (furrowed) area, it occupies the banks of the calcarine sulcus which are located in the cuneus and the lingual gyrus of the occipital lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded by the area 18 of Brodmann (human) which surrounds it ( Brodmann-1909 ). In the mouse ( Paxinos-2001 ) and the rat ( Swanson-1998 ) it is located on the dorsolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere[BrainInfo]. [ BrainInfo:2102 ]

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • SCTID:384772005
  • BIRNLEX:1748
  • PBA:10026
  • UMLS:C1272535 (BIRNLEX:1748)
  • FMA:68614
  • BM:Tel-Cx-V1
  • UMLS:C0038446 (ncithesaurus:Primary_Visual_Cortex)
B09-17 [ BIRNLEX:1748 NIFSTD:SumsDB_abbrevSource ]


This term was split out from primary visual cortex as many of the axioms and annotations were specific to primates or humans.




A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined occipital region of cerebral cortex in the human. Defined by the band of Gennari, which gives it the name striate (furrowed) area, it occupies the banks of the calcarine sulcus which are located in the cuneus and the lingual gyrus of the occipital lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded by the area 18 of Brodmann (human) which surrounds it ( Brodmann-1909 ). In the mouse ( Paxinos-2001 ) and the rat ( Swanson-1998 ) it is located on the dorsolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere[BrainInfo].



has exact synonym


Brodmann area 17

primate striate cortex

area 17 of Brodmann-1909


Brodmann area 17, striate

has related synonym

visual association area

visual area one

human primary visual cortex

occipital visual neocortex

Brodmann area 17

nerve X

area striata

visual area V1

area 17 of Brodmann

striate area

calcarine cortex

primary visual area



visual association cortex

