Furano-furano-benzopyrans that are produced by ASPERGILLUS from STERIGMATOCYSTIN. They are structurally related to COUMARINS and easily oxidized to an epoxide form to become ALKYLATING AGENTS. Members of the group include AFLATOXIN B1; aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1, aflatoxin G2; AFLATOXIN M1; and aflatoxin M2.

Synonyms: 0, Aflatoxins, Aflatoxin

Instance information


75; was AFLATOXIN 1967-74 ,75; was AFLATOXIN 1965-74 (Prov 1965-66) ,use AFLATOXINS to search AFLATOXIN 1966-74 ,/antag permitted but consider also ANTITOXINS



Instance relations