The gliding joint formed by the outer extremity of the CLAVICLE and the inner margin of the ACROMION PROCESS of the SCAPULA.

Synonyms: Coracoacromial Ligaments, Coracoacromial Ligament, Ligaments, Coracoacromial, Joints, Acromioclavicular, Ligament, Coracoacromial, Acromioclavicular Joints, Acromioclavicular Joint, Coracoacromial Arch, Joint, Acromioclavicular

Instance information


79(75); was see under SHOULDER JOINT 1965-78, was see under SHOULDER 1963-64 ,dislocation: coordinate with JOINT DISLOCATIONS ,79; was see under SHOULDER JOINT 1965-78, was see under SHOULDER 1963-64 ,search SHOULDER JOINT 1966-74



Instance relations