Property information


This relation links qualities, functions, dispositions and other dependent continuants to their bearers. Examples: A particular shape that inheres in a lung; The redness that ineres in a Drosophila eye; Catalytic activity function inheres_in catalytic molecule. Note that inherence is a functional relation: if x inheres_in y at t and x inheres_in z at t, then y=z. We leave open the possibility of a relation multiply_inheres_in, such as between a gene sequence and the multiple chromosomes it multiply inheres in. The super-relation of both inheres_in and multiply_inheres_in would be depends_on


A relation between a dependent continuant D and an entity E. D inheres_in E iff: given any d that instantiates D at t, there exists some e that instantiates E at t and d *inheres_in* e at t. Here *inheres_in* is the primitive instance level relation." [GOC:cjm]

Property relations